Five Fold Ministry

Good Evening!

Much has been published and taught over the last decades concerning the function and value of those who are recognized as one of the "five fold ministers" as described in many portions of the New Testament. These five offices or callings are then given clear and direct function awareness in Eph. chapter 4.

When much of the body (the ekklisa) are asked about the primary functions of these five, most often the secondary purposes are highlighted but we must recognize that they were gifted by God to equip the body not show the body.
For example: The prophets primary roll and responsibility is not to prophesy but rather to equip the ekklisa to be prophetic in their sphere of influence. To bring the Fathers heart prophetically to every aspect of our lives, seven days a week.

The Pastor is to equip the body (ekklisa) to be pastoral in their sphere of influence. This, by the way, cannot occur during a typical Sunday morning message. Each of the five callings are meant primarily to be support equipping roles, not the super-star positioning they too often receive.

Until we get the New Testament reality and the correct structure and function of the "equippers" we can never fulfill Jesus' directive in Mark 16 and Matt. 28.

The Canadian church desperately needs, not revival but reformation. As we come to the 500th anniversary (2017) of Martin Luther's reformation, can we as the Canadian church, the ekklisa, get back to the book, the mandate and the goal for us who call ourselves the body of Christ?

Blessings, George