Making Disciple Makers

Good Afternoon!

Based on preliminary discussions concerning disciple making and the interest of a number on face book, I have put together the following thoughts that you may want to consider. As you will see, they are in point form and in no way convey the full depth that this vital element of our Christian lives deserves.

The final instructions that Jesus left the ekklissia with are found in Mark 16 and Matthew 28. We call them the great commission “…preach the gospel and disciple all ethnos”. We think that we have got pretty good at preaching the gospel (even though I feel we have made it a me centred gospel rather than a He centred gospel) but we have been trying the “make disciple” thing for a very long time and with very limited success. I have taught many discipleship courses but have not seen much New Testament fruit. One of the reasons that the church in North America is on the decline is because of the lack of biblical purpose and function. Jesus said that He desired that not one would perish. If that is His desire, why are we satisfied with the 6% results we have experienced for the last 7 decades here in Canada? If Jesus came for everyone and we see in the first century church that they had a take-over mentality, is it not reasonable to think that we should also have a take-over mentality in our regions and spheres of influence?

Another of the major reasons why the church is in decline is because we continue to cling to the Constantine model of clergy/laity rather than the biblical model of we are ministers and every joint supplies. A third stumbling block is the thinking that salvation is the goal for all pre-believers but in fact the goal must be to make disciple makers not just believers that faithfully take their place in. “row four” Do we truly believe that we will stand before God one day and give an account for the talents He has given us and the purpose He created us for? If we do, that must be our motivating drive. Our life style must be one of intentional disciple making with the goal of complete world transformation. (did Jesus come for anything less and as His ambassador, can my motivation be anything less?)

Disciple making to our Greek minds has focused around information transfer but first century discipleship was a transfer of passion. Passion propels while information demands return to the information giver. Attached are a few points I feel are relevant if our desire is to be a disciple maker. I am interested in your feedback or questions and any ways I can assist with this vital aspect of transformation in Canada.

Blessings, George



Hi George again you are bang on, yes transformation and reformation supercedes revival. Revival awakens but reformation changes the very culture we live in and it sustains the journey and places things in order. I have been asking the Lord and people this question a lot lately, "what does having all things in common look like on earth today in 2016-2017 era, I think this might be a good question to consider at this time. Thanks again

Great points! Easy to do when it is thought about exactly how you have highlighted in your points to consider. Have to shift our thinking and actually value doing good. Makes a difference and I believe establishes His reputation well on the earth in our families, friends and spheres of influence!