Pornography In Public Schools?

Recently I listened to a radio interview. There were both government and educational leaders involved and the topic of discussion was pornography and when it should be introduced to the kids in school; possibly in grades 7 or 8. The basis for their rational was, for a young person to make correct choices they needed realistic information.

This discussion disturbed me on many levels but primarily because it seemed to be an unspoken fact that this was their right and responsibility. That they were the ones to expose our children to their version of "sex education" and all its elements.

I can not fathom why they would think it would be up to educators to decide first if pornography should be introduced to our kids at all and then if it was to be discussed, why they would dare to think they should be the ones to do so.

In my view, this philosophy is anti family and inappropriate for classroom discussion.

George Woodward


This is totally unacceptable! Realistic - what part of pornography would they classify as realistic. Once again, people pushing their beliefs onto and into the minds of children who more than likely, not ready or willing to actually take part in this type of teaching!! I feel badly that they actual believe it is their right to do this. My children are out of school now, but I must tell you, if this happened while my children were in those grades they would have missed a lot of school!