
There has been so much written about this topic that I am concerned that you may stop reading and not take the time to contemplate the thoughts I am bringing forward. Please don’t do that; I just ask for 6 minutes of your time.

I’m sure we will agree that discipleship is not a series of classes or lessons. They transfer information, but in themselves they do not make disciples. We also may agree that although there is some value in pouring our lives into another, it also does not make another person a disciple of Christ.
It has been stated that rather than making disciples, we need to be making disciple-makers, and again although this has some validity, it has not proven to be the answer.
I would like to put forward two thoughts for your consideration.

1. The goal in discipling is not to develop, grow or mature the person but rather to disciple the Nation as stated in Math. 28 which is often referred to as the Great Commission; Christs final instructions. The wonderful and exciting bi-product of having discipling the Nation as the ultimate goal is that the person grows and develops in the process. Note: If we have the person as the goal it remains a self centred experience that has no definitive outcome.
2. If we agree that Jesus desired to see His disciples grow and that He was their example, we observe that:
He instructed/taught them
He corrected them
He released them to do it themselves
He was their example to do as He did
He gave instructions for their post resurrection mandate; “…go into all the world, and disciple nations…”
He became their ultimate example to follow as He gave His life for others.

If we are His followers, should we not be doing the same? We may not have to be physically killed as most of the original disciples were, but we must be willing to give our lives to fulfill His plan for our Nation and for the world.
I believe there is currently a substantial group of radical men and women who say they are willing to give their lives for the completion of this Great Commission. Are you one of them? Are you, “all in”?
The logical question would be, “Ok, I’m all in, but what do we do now”?
Today there is an ever increasing treasure-trove of things written concerning this very pertinent question.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on discipleship of the nation. Seems that we’re dropping the ball on this in North America. I’ve been convinced for quite awhile now that there has to be those who are willing to become prepared to disciple the multitudes of what may very well be the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit before the day of Antichrist.