Canada at the Tipping Point

Good Afternoon!

In 1945, a much greater percentage of Canadians went to church than do today but with only 6% stepping beyond mere religion and declared they are, “born again”.

Today, 73 years later, we have a much smaller percentage of the population going to church but still only 6% born again believers in our Nation. In any other endeavour, other than the church, we would consider no growth in seventy odd years as a colossal failure.

Now if the goal is to have a nice place to gather on Sundays, with many well developed programs and activities for its members, then the Canadian Church has done a reasonably good job at creating and feeding its own sub-culture, but if we are to fulfill Mark 16 and Math. 28, we’ve experienced dismal results.

At the same time as the stalling of the national church, we can see that our society has substantially decayed. No longer does the majority have a real voice in the nation. Small percentages of people (less than 5%) have been allowed to dictate policy; determine what’s acceptable and change our culture. Free speech isn’t free any longer and to suggest that there are groups in Canada that want to radically change our laws, our education system and the fundamental fabric of our Nation, will expose you to ridicule, fines or even imprisonment.

Our Colleges and Universities seem to have an anti-Christian agenda, being proponents of the notion that higher education and Christianity are not only incompatible but at different ends of the spectrum.

Statistics indicate that 6 out of 10 (59%) of Christians entering our post secondary institutions, come out abandoning or denying their faith. With the average children per Christian couple being less than two, and a 59% attrition rate, we can easily do the math and see that by the 2100, Christianity in Canada will be just a glimmer in our historical remembrance.

One of the groups that I admire for their long-term planning and goal setting, is the LGBT community. Approximately 35 years ago, they decided to put their differences aside, declaring that they had a greater purposes than just their own thoughts and personal desires. They wanted to change Canada.

They developed a long term strategy to change our laws, our school curriculum, our political views and even the outlandish thought of men becoming women and women becoming men.

Let me say with embarrassment and shame that all of these dramatic changes were on my watch. I did not stand up as a Christian and say, “no further”. I, and most of the Christian population of Canada, stood passively by and let it all take place. The consequences of my generations lack of action are now imposed upon and will be shouldered by our children and grandchildren.

Canada as well as many other countries have an invading army that has already breached the walls and is in the process of taking control. The question now becomes, will we stand by passively again and allow it to happen. Should we be saying no to forced indoctrination in our elementary schools; no to “honour” killing; no to false definitions of hate speech; no to Sharia law and no to the customs, rules and ideology of those immigrating who demand Canadians to comply with their societal norms rather the other way around.

Canada has more than 90% of its citizens who are crying out for change. Our Nation was founded, established and has been built upon Judaeo-Christian principals and values. The only hope for Canada however does not lie within its government, its laws, its systems or its own ability to “pull itself up by its boot straps”.

The New Testament tells us that the Father doesn’t want one to parish. Currently in Canada, 34 million, of our population of 37 million, are unfortunately candidates for eternal separation from God.

I believe that Canada is at a “tipping point”. Either we will repent and change or we will slide down this very steep and very slippery slop. As we look at Western Europe, we have a great but very sad example of what lies ahead if we fail to act.

Although much of what I have outlined so far has been quite dismal, I see this as the most exciting time to be alive. I believe this is going to be the churches (the ecclesia’s) finest hour in Canada.

70 years ago there was a tiny group of Christian men and women in South Korea; less than 1% of the population of their country who said, “we must do something or we will all die out and Christianity will die with us”. Their country was at a tipping point but they acted, doing something thought to be quite radical. It started out small but gained momentum and today almost 50% of the population of South Korea is born again.

We see the same kind of things in other countries where the “tipping point” has been reached and relatively small groups of determined believers have taken action, seeing miraculous results. Countries like Indonesia, China and many African and South American countries have all experienced exponential Christian growth.

I say, “why not Canada and why not now”. It’s our time and our opportunity. Let’s stand up and take our rightful place. Our Nation is called the Dominion of Canada and it was declared at the founding of our nation that “…He shall have dominion from sea to sea…” Ps. 72:8

Today there is much that’s changing in what is called the church in Canada. The young generations are staying away on-mass from our traditional institutions we call church. The churches programs and attempts to be contemporary, have not produced any measurable results but on the contrary have further emphasised the millennials resolve to steer clear of what they perceive as organized religion.

This dismissal of the old model does not mean they are not looking for reality and the supernatural, but rather shouts their yearning for real, transparent, honest and integrity-laden Christianity.

This upcoming generation is willing to do the extraordinary and experience genuine personal as well as national transformation but currently do not feel empowered to do so. Because of our long held clergy/laity model, they don’t feel:
1. equipped to personally challenge and change their sphere of influence.
2. permitted to step out and do it.
3. responsible for those around them (it really isn’t my job, it is the clergy’s job).
This kind of thinking and methodology has brought us to the …
Tipping Point


Thank-you, George for being a modern day Pioneer in bringing this message to light that the body of Christ needs to hear. I'm looking to post 2.

Singing my song George and so boldly eloquent! Bless YOU IMMENSELY my friend!

Thankyou for stating the facts and reality of our current situation .

I need to find Part 2, because I’m sharing in America! It has always seemed more difficult to actually walk the talk. Now, we are silencing even our talk and our Christian opinion because we fear what man can do to us more than we fear God.
As God teaches, woe be unto us if we are ashamed of Him...! Pray with thanksgiving and speak with praise on your lips, for our God is a good, good, Father. He hears. He hears.

Are you able to direct me to Part 2. I would like to read more.

Yes, yes and yes . The church has never been a building. Love, signs and wi ders everywhere everyday. I am interested in part 2.Tha nk you and God bless