Is Jesus Just Meek and Mild, or Is He Powerful As Well?

Good Morning!

Too often in our Christian society, we picture Jesus like the photo on the left. We see Him as the meek and mild gentle Jesus, maybe even with a very contented baby lamb draped around His shoulders. But is that the real Jesus? From scripture, I think He is much more like the stronger man on the right.

In Math. 10: 34-36, Jesus makes it pretty clear that He didn’t come to have everyone hold hands and sign “kum ba jah” in total peace and harmony. Verse 34 says, “don’t think I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.”

Math. 21:12 describes how Jesus drove out the money changers from the temple and then in the Message bible in Luke 12: 49-51, it says, “I’ve come to start a fire on this earth---how I wish it were blazing right now. I’ve come to change everything and turn everything right-side-up---how I long to have it finished. Do you think I came to smooth things over and make everything nice? Not so! I’ve come to disrupt and confront…”

The purpose of Jesus’ coming wasn’t to be nice but rather to take over. He didn’t want one to perish (be lost) so revolution was on His mind.

We need to stop thinking that by osmosis the world will see the good things we do and somehow want the Jesus in us . Honestly, I’ve seen a lot of people in the world who are much nicer than some church folks.

We must develop a take-over mentality, expecting not just to influence our sphere of influence but to revolutionize and dominate it. This does not give us the right to be nasty, obnoxious or stupid but it does call us to be advocates of radical change, regardless of the physical, emotional or personal social consequences we may encounter.

Jesus said He didn’t want one to perish, so why would we be satisfied with anything less? We all would agree with the thought of God’s purpose and plan for each person and even that everyone has value, but too often our actions state otherwise. Our sub-culture, called the Church and our actions are yelling, “IT’S ALL ABOUT ME”.

In Canada only 6% of the population is born again. Obviously that means that 94% are lost. Our wanting things to change isn’t enough. It must be followed through with sacrifice and then actions.

If we look at the Disciples of Jesus, each one of them, got it. They knew the gospel was worth giving their lives for. As you know, all but John were martyred but for most of us we are not called upon to give our physical lives (at least not yet) but we are given “final instructions” by Jesus. He said, Go and preach to all ethnic groups and disciple nations. (the nation of Canada)

Let’s follow the real Jesus!
