Do We Need a National Strategy for Church Reformation?

Good Afternoon!

If we consider the state of the church, the ecclesia, in Canada as a whole, can there be any statistical disagreement that it is in decline, both numerically and influentially.

On almost every front, with the possible exception of “spiritual” interest, the nation’s population has been and is ever increasingly shunning the notion that organized religion and church life are relevant in their individual or corporate lives.

Many denominations are in serious decline both numerically and financially. As more and more of the baby boomers die off, the spiral will only pick up momentum.

At best, our political leaders only tolerate our religious activities but for them to consider us offering anything to sway thinking, is off their radar.

If the trends remain in place, Christianity will only be a historical phase that the population will be convinced is no longer relevant as the 22nd Century approaches.

2017 is such a significant year as Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary as a Nation. Canada and the moral compass of our country have been altered in many ways, especially over the last five decades, that many of the principals Canada was founded upon, and even part of our name, The Dominion of Canada, have been discarded.

2017 also marks another significant anniversary and that is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s famous 95 Theses and the reformation of the European church of 1517.

Do we need to think of Reformation again? My view says, “yes we do”.

The following are some of the facets of what we call the church that I feel are areas of significance, as we consider The Reformation of the Church.

I realize as you look at the following list, you will recognize the scope and also the time necessary to see changes take place but from my vantage point, we are in a “change or die” period in Canada’s history.

Possible Change Elements!

1. Clergy/Laity model

2. New Testament Home Groups

3. “Me” Centred Gospel

4. Disciple Makers rather than Making Disciples

5. The Responsibility of each Christian

6. Developing a “Take Over” Mentality

7. Developing Big Picture, National God Thinking

8. Adoption of New Testament Stewardship

9. Remove the Notion that Numerical Growth is the Goal, not the Result

10. Encouraging the Five Fold Ministry to Fulfill their Primary Roles not focus on Secondary Elements.

I would like to develop a written “Journey Way” and I have titled it, 51/Forty. The name represents 51% born-again Christians in Canada by the year 2040. (we have been idling along at 6% since 1945)

If you would like to comment or bring other suggestions, I would like to hear from you.
