Disciples or Fans?

Good Afternoon!

Are church members today celebrated if they become great fans? Are they content and even applauded as they gain more and more knowledge about Him? Letters are attached behind ones name and doctorates awarded based on study and theological degrees but are all of these things adding to a fan mentality? Let's look at some of the distinctives of both the "fan" and the "disciple".

1. Fans are very interested in learning about Him while disciples are passionate about becoming like Him.

2. Fans find it much easier to fill themselves with knowledge about Him rather than wrestle with the life changing call to be like Him.

3. Fans are waiting for God to do something (revival etc.) but disciples are fulfilling the call as disciple makers and world changers in their sphere of influence.

4. Fans go to meetings and conferences always thinking they need "more" to be able to do what He has called them to do but disciples actually step out and do it.

5. Fans want the "more" without recognizing the responsibility that accompanies it while disciples have counted the cost and humbly stepped into it.

6. Fans think revival is the key and the goal but disciples recognize that re-vival (to live again) is only a spring board to becoming a genuine disciple and culture shifting believer.

7. Fans are content to be a congregation of believers but disciples are interested in transitioning to a community of disciple makers.

I believe Jesus is much more interested in us doing what He instructed us to do rather than knowing that each point of our doctrine is exactly right.

-To be like Him costs everything but too often "fans" buy a ticket and applaud from the stands

-Traditional church existence must market and advertise to attract but genuine lived discipleship is contagious.

-He is looking for sold-out, spend it all, I know I'm only here for a short time, disciples makers, dare we transition from "fans" to "disciples"?



George I love these perspectives, Jesus made disciples out of ordinary people, they then in return became disciple makers which once again made disciples out of ordinary people and so it continues to repeat itself or does it? I would like to concure , while visiting and speaking in many churches in late I heard these words in my spirit strongly, " you may enter the circuit and speak for me but you are not permitted to join the circus. " A fan based fellowship or church needs to be entertained by entertainers and performers as a circus would do...but a church whom focuses on making disciples and even better as you point out makers of disciples would be and should be our primary goal...it's our DNA...it's our IDENTITY ! P.S - where can we sign up for this multi level marketing plan where we all belong at the top with HIM ?! LOVING THESE BLOGS KEEP IT UP GEORGE !